gym seo
You have a website because you've been told you need one, but so far it seems pretty useless. Where's the sudden flood of new leads, web traffic, or standing ovations?
Hell, maybe you don't even show up on a local Google search. Check out these two contradicting stats...
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) strategies and tactics will increase organic search visibility on Google, generating leads, sales, and revenue.
That’s corporate jargon for, “The higher you rank on Google for a keyword the more traffic you’ll get.”
In other words, if someone is searching for something you offer, like “ankle weights for three legged kittens” we use SEO to convince Google your product/service page is the most relevant solution.

Web Design Integrations
We've been building websites for over a decade and have now worked with clients all over the world. We are Webflow experts and have extensively used automation integrations to connect various apps and email sequences across various industries. We went all in on SEO in 2020, following Webris' proven SEO Blueprint sprint models, and we haven't looked back.
We possess the experience and knowledge to build a website that not only embodies your brand but also excels in Google's rankings through meticulous on-page optimization.
Webflow Experts: We leverage our extensive knowledge of Webflow to create high-performing websites that
are both visually stunning and technically sound.
SEO Specialists: Our team is dedicated to staying ahead of the curve, ensuring your website is optimized for
the latest search engine algorithms.
Results-Driven Approach: We focus on delivering measurable results that drive traffic and conversions, not just vanity metrics.
Our philosophy is simple – Build a site you own, edit, and maintain with ease. Unlike traditional marketing firms, we offer direct access to our team for major updates, SEO refinements, and any ongoing support you need.
Lastly, we have been a Finsweet Pro member since its inception which means we follow the same coding standards as over 800 other Webflow developers across the globe with the Client-First styling system. This also allows us to lean on this guild of Webflowers to collaborate on projects we specialize in such as frontend development, backend heavy projects, or seo focuses.
We probably don't need to remind you that tracking metrics makes you 2x more likely to reach a goal.*
Think of the keywords your website ranks for as the arteries that carry potential clients to your business.
Picking the right keywords for each individual page on your website can be tedious, but provides an enormous ROI over the long-term.
By analyzing competitors and industry leaders, we can understand the keyword “gaps” on a website. These gaps are the ones that are driving traffic to your competition but not to yours, because you don’t have the pages on your website to rank for that traffic.
In short, during a strategy sprint we sift through potentially thousands of keywords and analyze a gap between you and 5 of your competitor's. These serve as 'seed' keywords for content creation sprints and a projection of how to close the competitive gap through the acquisition of links.
- Technical review + improvement suggestions
- Analytics scrub + correction suggestions
- Full site content audit
- Comprehensive SEO strategy
- Technical SEO check
- Integrate targeted keywords
- Create high-quality content
- Optimize on-page elements
- Monitor performance and adjust
As you know, it’s not enough to just do “on page” corrections and create quality content. To get explosive traffic gains, you need to promote your website by acquiring links and mentions on relevant industry websites.
You need to figure out a way to get other websites to talk about you. At first, you will need to do this manually. Get active in forums, Reddit, Quora, Facebook Groups – find your voice and provide value. Find the best blogs in your industry and ask them if you can write a post for them. If you can do this, people will discover your site and assuming you have quality content, they will begin to talk about you organically.
We will feed these in a natural and impactful way over the course of 9 to 12 months.
- Full backlink scrub + audit
- Target link type identification
- Target page identification
- Email outreach + management
- Link acquisition + tracking

Once we start gaining some traction, our projections will continue to become more and more accurate with data-driven content decisions.
Things will really start picking up between months 6 to 9 and by month 12 you'll probably realize you'll never want to stop using SEO as you start to dominate your local market.
fitcode is for health & fitness businesses who prioritize results over wasted time.

Six-Week SEO Trial
- SEO and Site Health Scores
- On-page recommendations
- Top 50 keywords report
- Keyword recommendations
- Competitor research report
- Potential traffic data
- Campaign strategy plan
- 30-minute strategy call with Micah

What does seo stand for?
Search-Engine-Optimization (SEO) is a process of using different techniques to get yourself ranked high on search engines like Google. There are many ways that one can go about this but they all center around acquiring website traffic and achieving top spot for certain keywords in their sector without paying through pay per click ads or other methods such as buying reviews online.
Wanting website traffic is a bit like a client telling you, "I want to get in shape." There are so many ways to accomplish this, but not all of those ways are right for them. Same principle here, SEO is one of those ways and it happens to be our favorite.
Take it a step further, you find out your client responds well to intermittent fasting. Okay, but there is more to that are they doing a 16:8, 20:4, Warrior Diet? Likewise, there are a lot of sub-tactics and intricacies to fine tune how you approach fitness SEO. We won't know what works best for your case, until we pop open the hood and make a plan.
This could be anything from creating new website content around keywords related to your niche target market to maintaining a strong presence across multiple social media platforms. Fitness SEO practices and strategies are constantly changing to remain effective as internet search engines continuously update algorithms.
To answer this question our SEO team would need to know more information about your fitness business and specific niche or micro-niches. We can tell you one thing though, from our 10+ years of analyzing websites and SEO campaigns, the biggest reason why most campaigns fail (possibly yours in the past too), is that the agency fails to properly assess the amount of work required to get you a great result and ROI.
We charge you a 1 time fee based on the number of URLs on your website. The more URLs, the larger the effort, the higher the price per sprint.
That being said, our SEO sprints range from $1,497-$9,997 with no-contract. The difference? Time invested each week into your fitness SEO strategy.
To answer this question depends greatly on where you are today, what SEO has been done before, and what your competition levels are like.
As a general rule of thumb, most websites on page 2 can be brought to the first page inside 3 months.
As for a brand new website, you’re looking closer to 6-9 months to get good first page rankings on competitive keywords.
That's not to say this will be a useless dead zone! You'll see leads and traffic will increase over time and consistently, but those big wins come when hit the top half of the first page!
Generally more than you could ever imagine. The hidden value in SEO is that the leads will last for a very long time versus a client that you had to go hunt down yourself.
For example – This adds up quick. Let's say you're selling medium-ticket packages for 6-12 months. That's a Client Life-Time-Value of $1,800. If you get one additional client per month from a fitness seo strategy, it will more than pay for itself. Always check your ROI!
Can you get me to #1 on Google?
We will get you to the best possible position for your market, and flood your business with new organic traffic. From our 10+ years of fitness SEO experience, it’s better to focus on ranking your business for the right keywords than just chasing #1’s. If #1 is possible for the right search terms, then we’ll give it everything we got to get your there.
Will my google rankings drop if I stop doing seo?
SEO is much like going to the gym. Hit those weights for 9-12 months straight and you’re going to be in excellent shape. Now, if you had to stop for a few months, you’d probably maintain a relatively good physique. However over time your results will drop off, and you’ll need to head back to the iron church to play some catch-up.
If anything our recommendation would be to slow down if you simply just want to cut back, but if you're seeing a positive ROI, you won't want to!
The same is true for your SEO for fitness. With every strategy we implement we do it for the long-haul and you will reap the benefits for a long-time. However, when you push pause while your competition keeps charging ahead, you can fall behind.
If this happens after your campaign ends, simply give us a call and we will walk you through how we can fix it.
Do I need to sign a long-term contract?
No. We believe that if an agency needs to lock you in with a long-term contract, they aren’t confident in their abilities to delivery quality, effective work.
Each sprint we conduct internally is completed within a matter of weeks, so there's no need for long term agreements.
What sort of reporting will I receive?
You’ll receive a rank report for your website's progress in the Google search results every month either on a local or national level. This is important because in the early months it's hard to track progress while these strategies take a while to gain enough traction to immediately result in form submissions and phone calls. It's like your own fitness journey, each day you look in the mirror you might not notice anything, but overtime the results will speak for themselves and you'll be surprised at how far you came. So the detailed reporting is so you can see under-the-hood what's working and what's not every step of the way.
I've done seo before and it hasn't worked. How is fitcode different?
If SEO hasn’t worked then one of four things has occurred:
- You’ve been ripped off by a scammer – Sadly there are a lot in this SEO industry, and if this has happened to you, we’re truly sorry – stopping these snake-oil salesmen is the reason we're so relentless in perfecting the art of SEO and optimization.
- You were working with a website designer, developer, or marketing agency – SEO is a lot like brain surgery. It’s a very detailed, specific skillset that very few people truly possess. A lot of website design, marketing, or graphic design companies offer ‘SEO’ as a service, however they are not experienced in the craft or your industry. They are good at many things, but you don’t want your logo designer doing your SEO just like you don't want a powerlifter coaching someone for a bodybuilding competition.
- Your SEO company didn’t know what they were doing – This is much more common than you would think. You see, lots of people start ‘SEO’ companies after watching a few YouTube videos, or buying a $4 e-Book. They think that they can learn along the way, and sadly, they convince many business owners that they know what they are doing when they truly have no clue. SEO, is a skill set that takes a lot of time to master and hiring a newbie disguised as a guru will leave you disappointed in your rankings.
- Your company didn’t do enough to beat tough competition – If you paid $100, or even $500/month for fitness SEO in the past, then chances are your strategy wasn’t aggressive enough, or have enough effort and resources required to beat out tough competition. As the saying goes, “If you think a professional is expensive, wait until you work with an amateur”.
As fitness SEO specialists we can generally pinpoint with sniper like precision why your past campaign hasn’t worked. We will peek behind the curtains at all of your website data and compare them with your competitors! We're happy to discuss this further.
Do you offer PPC services?
Yes, but only if it makes sense with your overall Clicks-To-Clients 3-Phase strategy. Organic fitness SEO traffic is our preferred source of leads for you, but we will implement it in your traffic strategy to make sure your pipeline stays full.
We can guarantee that no one can guarantee you will rank #1 on Google.
Google makes that decision, and no SEO agency has some special intimate relationship with Google.
As a quick side note, the correlation between a 'guarantee for top rankings' and shady SEO companies is strong enough that even Google recommends to run the other way.
Our guarantee is that nobody will work as tirelessly as us to get you the ranking that your gym or fitness business deserves.
Let's just say, "It depends." If you're brand new we will have some questions about your business cash flow and business model. We won't, in good conscious, recommend something that we don't think you'll see a return on investment (ROI) in a timely manner. With that said, we do work with startups if we see that it will benefit the onboarding/sales process and the owners' have a proven track record to close deals.